Do you find yourself in a normal state of mind? What exactly is a normal state of mind? Are we all here just munching on stale grass?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

All's well that ends well....right?.....well sorta.

My sissy and I went to dinner a few nights ago for her bday. We started talking about the "good ole days" You know what that is right? Its what we define as anything prior to your current situation because we are so damned stressed about our current situation it cannot possibly be even remotely considered good...

So back to the good ole days. The good ole days we were referring to at this point in our life were when we were about 15, 16. Back then, (you know the good ole days) we didn't consider it good but now we love to look back on that time and laugh about our situations. We were so funny at that age. But, we were free, loving and gave a lot of ourselves to everyone around us. We had not been through enough hurt in our life at that point to be close minded. We believed... And belief felt good.

So conversation continues and the song comes up that we always used to think of old friends, family members, boyfriends. What might have been? Good question. What might have been?
Can I consider an answer to this? If I could live two lives and compare the two at the end of my existence, would I? What about a price tag to this option, not sure if its worth a price, but if it was free at no cost to me at all, would I do it?

It would be very tempting...

But would it create a comparison that should never be considered? One person's life better than another? Does fate happen or do instances and experience's create our future opportunities?

Religion would argue that we are what God wants us to be so therefore there could not be a difference in two separate lives. I don't know if I agree with that entirely. Do we always end back at square one? Do we find a new path? Yes I think we do. Interesting... If I believe that theory, then what might have been can never be officially answered... We will never know.. Will we?


more cowbell said...

Hmm, good question. If I could live both lives, without having to void one out, then yes. If I could live the 2nd with the wisdom gained from the first, a resounding HellYeah. If the 2nd life voided the first, for example, my children would vanish, then no. (thanks for stopping by!)

JK said...

Speaking of all the questions... hahaha

If contempated this as well. I think that our path in life is not laid out for us....errr sorta. I believe in God. But I also believe we are free to make our own choices and our choices shape the person we are, obviously. I don't think I would change what I have, but I would be interested to find out what might have been if I had chosen a different path. Always wonder, just don't really care enough to dwell on it too much.

My buddies and I bring this kind of stuff up from time to time. It's fun to laugh about the past. :)