Do you find yourself in a normal state of mind? What exactly is a normal state of mind? Are we all here just munching on stale grass?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I wish I had more time for myself to do things like write in this blog. I am at least living, so that is a start to why I don't have time.

The kids learned how to ski. They did it better than I did. Of course, they are naturally talented and I am absolutely not talented with extracurricular sports.

I have spring fever....I want a sunny day and a tan.


JK said...

IS this AT? Hey AT it's Jermey.

Munch said...

Yes. Its AT. I was hiding out for a while and created a new blog to get back into writing.

JK said...

Well, it's really nice to hear from you again. :) I'll keep stopping by.